Fallen blonde angel with 34g natural boobs and beautiful eyes

57722   August 14, 2023
An angel came while you slept, while you dreamt of mortal flesh. From the night, into your bed... she lays upon you. Her wings caressed your skin, her lips, your cheek. Though you slept, your body did not rest. Her fingers trailed down your chest, her toes up your calves. Burning with lust, your desire, would not idle. Slowly, this angel took you to her Eden. It lasted for an eon of seconds, you no longer knew your name, nor your flesh, from hers. You were blind... you were deaf... you were mute... you were not numb. The tip of each hair on your body was pinned by a finger of light. When you woke up your body was stone, you could not move, you could not speak, you knew not the words to express your pleasure. Your lips tasted like an angel lover and you could never know passion again

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